David made some serious mistakes
that cost him a great deal of agony—decisions that also cost his family a lot
of pain. David’s daughter, Tamar, was raped by her brother, Amnon (2 Samuel
13:10-14), then David’s son, Absalom, killed Amnon to avenge Tamar (2 Samuel
13:28). Eventually, Absalom tried to kill David and usurp the throne (2 Samuel
15:10). David had a lot of pain and turmoil in his life as a result of the poor
decisions he made. He could have beaten himself up over his mistakes, but
instead he trusted God. He chose to be strong in the grace that is in the Lord
(2 Timothy 2:1). This is a great lesson for all of us.
I am absolutely convinced that
regardless of where you are today or how badly you may have missed God’s will
for your life, God still has a plan for you. The Apostle Paul wrote in his
letter to the Romans:
For the gifts and calling of God are
without repentance.
Romans 11:29
Romans 11:29
God doesn’t change. Whatever His
purpose for your life was when He created you hasn’t changed either. You might
be a long way from where God wants you to be right now, but God can get you
where you need to be. Modern technology allows you to have
a global positioning system (GPS) in your car to help you find your way around
town. GPS devices even speak to you and tell you where to turn. When you are
driving somewhere and make a wrong turn, the GPS doesn’t freak out and say, You
missed it. You’ll never get there now. No, if you make a wrong turn, the
GPS says, recalculating. This means that the system is refiguring the
directions to tell you where to go next in order to get you to your
destination. If you miss a turn, it doesn’t mean you need to give up and go
home. God is at least as good as a GPS. It doesn’t matter where you are—God can
recalculate. God can take what you have done and figure a way to get you
back on track.
You can still get where God planned for you to go.
In the same manner, the gifts and
calling of God never change. You may have made some wrong turns in your life,
but God’s will for you has not changed. He still has a plan for you. Even if
you have made a royal mess of your life, God can take what you have done and
cause it to work together for good. It’s sort of like a master chess player who
is engaged in a chess match; it doesn’t matter what move his opponent makes,
the master player can always use that move to his advantage. Likewise, it
doesn’t matter what the devil does or how much you blow it or mess up. God is
able to take whatever you have done to ruin your life and turn it around.
Take Heart
I hope these biblical examples have
encouraged you to take heart. God’s grace is infinitely bigger than whatever
you have done wrong. Your failings are no match for His grace; they aren’t even
worthy to mention in the same breath. You just need to humble yourself and
submit your life to the Lord. Yield to Him and say, “God, here I am. Do with me
what You want to.” God can redeem your situation.
God hasn’t given up on you. The
simple fact that you are reading this book shows that God is drawing you and
trying to reach out to you. Not a single person alive is beyond hope. No one
has messed up their life so badly that God can’t take it and do something
supernatural with it. But you can’t do things the way you always have in the
past and expect different results. You’re going to have to humble yourself and
submit yourself to God.
Alain Godefroid Kubwamungu
Endtimes Outreach Ministries, 2 Avenue Nyabihanga,6429 Bujumbura – Burundi, Ph:+257 71 129 470 , E-mail :
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