And it came to pass, after the year
was expired, at the time when kings go forth to battle, that David sent Joab,
and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed the children of
Ammon, and besieged Rabbah. But David tarried still at Jerusalem.
2 Samuel 11:1
2 Samuel 11:1
David was a man after God’s own
heart even though he didn’t do everything perfectly. In those days, kings were
forced to wage war when the seasons and weather allowed. This scripture says
that it was time for kings to go forth to battle. David was king so he should
have been leading his troops in battle. But David had become so prosperous that
he didn’t need to go; he had generals under him who could lead the troops for
him. So David stayed home and got away from what God called him to do.
When David was running for his life
from Saul and it looked like he could die at any moment, he sought God with his
whole heart. After he became king, he subdued his enemies, extended the borders
of the nation of Israel, and prospered greatly. God blessed him and he was more
successful than any other king before him. But he stopped seeking after God
The awesome truth we need to
understand here is that the greatest temptation we face in life is success.
Hardship is not the worst situation in our lives. Even someone with a minimal
commitment to the Lord will seek Him when the pressure is on. Failure and
disaster typically drive us into the arms of God. Success is different; it
makes us feel like we can make it all on our own. When everything is going good
and the pressure is off, or when we don’t have to seek God because it looks
like everything is going our way, the contents of our heart will be revealed.
Success, not failure, is the true test of character. The question is: Are
you going to seek God as strongly during the good times as you do when you are
The majority of people seek the Lord
more when they are in trouble. When everything is fine, they forget all about
God—they don’t seek Him, they don’t pray, and they don’t study the Word. This
is what makes them more vulnerable after a victory than they are during life’s
struggles. When things are good, people tend to forget their need for God; this
leads to trouble.
And it came to pass in an
eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the
king’s house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman
was very beautiful to look upon. And David sent and enquired after the woman.
And one said, Is not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah
the Hittite? And David sent messengers, and took her; and she came in unto him,
and he lay with her; for she was purified from her uncleanness: and she
returned unto her house. And the woman conceived, and sent and told David, and
said, I am with child.
2 Samuel 11:2-5
2 Samuel 11:2-5
David was bored. He was sleeping all
day, staying up all night, and not doing the things God called him to do as
king. If he had been out fighting his battles, this temptation would never have
come. David was bored hanging around the palace and ended up getting into
trouble. He committed adultery with Bathsheba and she conceived a child. To
cover up their adultery, David plotted the murder of Bathsheba’s husband Uriah,
who was one of the mighty men off fighting the wars David himself should have
been fighting. After Uriah was dead, David took Bathsheba as his wife (2 Samuel
David got himself into a pretty bad
situation, which shows how even a person who has a heart for God can get way
off track. The lesson for us is that when things are going well, we should seek
God even more than we have been. The moment we achieve our dreams is the time
we are most vulnerable to an attack. After a victory, we need to be more
dependent on God than we have ever been in our lives.
The Bible says, “But the thing that
David had done displeased the LORD” (2 Samuel 11:27). Boy, that’s putting it mildly.
God was ticked off! The Lord sent the prophet Nathan to expose what David had
done. Nathan went to David and told him a story about a rich man who stole his
poor neighbor’s only lamb, killed it, and used it to feed a guest. David said,
“Any man who would do such a thing deserves to die!” After David made his
pronouncement, Nathan said “You are that man,” and gave a prophecy that the
child conceived by Bathsheba in adultery would die (2 Samuel 12:1-14).
I’m reading between the lines here,
but I believe the reason Nathan presented the prophecy in parable form is that
God was letting David prescribe his own judgment. Scripture says that God will
show mercy to those who have shown mercy to others, but to those who haven’t
shown mercy, God will have no mercy (see James 2:13 and 2 Samuel 22:26). David
knew this principle because he had written about it himself. If David had been
merciful, I believe he would have received
mercy in return. But because he showed no mercy to the man in this parable,
David passed sentence on himself and received no mercy. As a result, the child
died and there was turmoil in his household.
After the death of his baby, it says
that David comforted Bathsheba and they conceived another son whom they called
Solomon. The Lord loved the child and sent the prophet Nathan to announce that
his name was Jedidiah (2 Sam. 12:25), which in Hebrew means “beloved of the
Lord.” God anointed Solomon to be David’s replacement as king of Israel (1
Kings 1:17; 1 Chronicles 28:5), and he became so prosperous that he didn’t even
take any account of the silver in his kingdom (1 Kings 10:21).
God never wanted David and Bathsheba
to have a relationship. But after it was done, they repented. Then God took the
child born to them and blessed him. The Bible says that Solomon was the richest
man who will ever live—not just the richest man of his day (2 Chronicles 1:12).
It says there will never be another man who approaches the wisdom and the
riches of Solomon. God knows how to work things out for good!
All of this came to a person who was
totally outside of God’s original plan and purpose. Saul was God’s original
choice; David was second best. Then David blew it! His relationship with
Bathsheba was never God’s will. Yet, after they repented, God blessed their marriage.
Bathsheba is the virtuous woman whom Solomon wrote about in the book of
Proverbs, and Solomon was greatly blessed by God.
Maybe you think you have blown it
because of bad decisions you have made in the past, but you can’t blow it any
more than David did. Yet, God took the mess David made of his life and worked
it together for good—to the extent that we remember David as a great man. He
certainly had faults and problems, but overall, David was used by God in a
mighty way. We still sing about “the sure mercies of David,” and recognize him
as the “sweet psalmist of Israel.”
God did all of this with a person
who wasn’t His original choice. Even when this man messed up, God worked things
out for good. Four or five hundred years after David died, God was still
blessing the nation of Israel. He wouldn’t take His mercies away from them for
the sake of His servant David. God made an everlasting covenant with David,
resulting in blessings to his descendants even when they weren’t serving God.
And all of this came through someone who missed it big-time.
I hope this encourages you. You may
have made some less than perfect choices, but it is pointless to spend your
time regretting the past. People have come to me and said, “I’m not sure I
married the right person.” It doesn’t do you any good to go there now; you’re
married, and just like David and Bathsheba, you are committed. It would be
wrong to walk away or try to reverse your life and go back. You are where you
are because of the choices you have made. The thing to do is humble yourself,
seek God, and realize that God can take where you are right now and work
everything together for good.
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